App. Development

Meaningful – With Accelerated Results

Development Overview

Ideas – Realised To Applications

Scalable and secure applications developed on a unified architecture form the core of our application development solutions. We help our customers in the quick development of systems and extending their embedded UIs to web and mobile platforms.

UI & Widget Development

User-friendly and flexible app development approach gives us an edge in providing top-tier UI for your apps. With complex widget customisation and animation development, we develop the best designs and UI that are scalable and perform across multiple cross platforms. Our massive Widget Library accelerates the development process by many notches, and QML based front-end development assures rigid and reliable results.

UI & Widget Development

User-friendly and flexible app development approach gives us an edge in providing top-tier UI for your apps. With complex widget customisation and animation development, we develop the best designs and UI that are scalable and perform across multiple cross platforms. Our massive Widget Library accelerates the development process by many notches, and QML based front-end development assures rigid and reliable results.

Voice & Speech
HMI development

At the juncture of technology and humans, conveniently using HMI for monitoring and managing machine applications is our goal. Leveraging technology like Nuance, Serena, and Snips Text to Speech for providing human-like UX to the users delivers – vocalisations as fluent as a live agent. With the implementation of neural network techniques, the users get access to a multitude of speech dialogue systems, developed by us across various technologies.

Backend Development

Making user experience optimum is the goal of our application development. With Qt Core expertise, we specialise in porting apps, fixing Qt Frameworks, enhancing architecture design, and much more. Implementing C++ based Data Modeling and Business logics, we ensure optimum development of platform-native codes, and seamless third-party and middleware app/service integrations.

Backend Development

Making user experience optimum is the goal of our application development. With Qt Core expertise, we specialise in porting apps, fixing Qt Frameworks, enhancing architecture design, and much more. Implementing C++ based Data Modeling and Business logics, we ensure optimum development of platform-native codes, and seamless third-party and middleware app/service integrations.

Refactoring & Porting

Our cross-platform UI development aids businesses in carrying out porting legacy applications over to new Design Architectures and Frameworks. We develop platform-native codes to accommodate the refactoring of applications to fit into a Data-driven architecture for a seamless transfer.

Highlighting The Impact

Immaculate Results, Durable Impact

High Performant HMI Applications

Accelerated development through Unified architecture and reuse from Verolt’s Widget library

With an experience spanning across multiple use cases like Automotive, Medical, Consumer, and Industrial domains, our application development process makes sure to test any development to its limits – each step of the way. Our expertise on various development platforms like RTOS, iOS, Android, QML, C++, EB, Linux, and CGI, ensure optimum integration of third-party entities and Toolchains for unparalleled HMI application development.

Verlot’s robust Widget Library allows us to develop and integrate a wide range of features into the Unified Architecture of applications. With discrete UI and Business Logics, we elevate the user experience by implementing the MVC principle to drive UI and data. Moreover, with intrinsic knowledge of developing complex codes across various platforms, we write codes across separate threads, timers, or processes to keep the architecture intact.

We keep stakeholders updated about each step of the process from the beginning, right from the UI theme, to setting up the iterative development process.

Highlighting The Impact

Immaculate Results, Durable Impact

The What

High Performant HMI Applications

Accelerated development through Unified architecture and reuse from Verolt’s Widget library

The How

With an experience spanning across multiple use cases like Automotive, Medical, Consumer, and Industrial domains, our application development process makes sure to test any development to its limits – each step of the way. Our expertise on various development platforms like RTOS, iOS, Android, QML, C++, EB, Linux, and CGI, ensure optimum integration of third-party entities and Toolchains for unparalleled HMI application development.

Verlot’s robust Widget Library allows us to develop and integrate a wide range of features into the Unified Architecture of applications. With discrete UI and Business Logics, we elevate the user experience by implementing the MVC principle to drive UI and data. Moreover, with intrinsic knowledge of developing complex codes across various platforms, we write codes across separate threads, timers, or processes to keep the architecture intact.

We keep stakeholders updated about each step of the process from the beginning, right from the UI theme, to setting up the iterative development process.

Tools & Tech – The HMI Library

Unifying Our Diverse Technical Know-How


Better Resources For Best Outcomes

  • Expansive and reusable Widget Library to accelerate the development process
  • Unified Architecture technique implemented for multiple deployments of HMI applications
  • Absolute expertise across multiple platforms and toolchains like Android, MCUs, Yocto, and MPUs